Sun, Jun 18 2023

To New Beginnings,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • About the event

    Our 250 person event is targeted at Serbian business professionals, who will be brought together in an elegant and formal setting. The event will include food, drink (alcohol) and keynote speakers who are masters at their respective crafts. The demographic of the event will be ages 20-65, primarily of eastern european descent.

    Why should you sponsor?

    3 reasons you should sponsor this event:

    1) Serbian Syndicate (soon to be SerbLink) is an exciting and rapidly growing organization with a passionate follower base. This means that our brand and values will be directly assosciated with those of our sponsors, since we are partnering with them. We sold out our last event.

    2) We define success with YOU to come up with the most valuable experience for your company and your goals. What are you looking for?

    3) This event will give sponsors exposure to a wide range of people, majority that have some form of university experience, and many with successful careers. From a financial perspective you will be interacting with individuals who will most likely have the funds to invest in your good or service.

    Nikola Terzic

    We are an inclusive community of professionals who have come together for mutual benefit and support. We believe that education and teamwork are key components for a successful career, which is why they are always at the forefront of our exciting events. We can't wait to help you connect, learn, and grow with us!

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from C$500

Multi Tiered Package

Package is customized for each sponsor and tiered, value includes: - Access to communicate with 250 business professionals - 5 min. presentation - Physical stand, at best location - Social media advertisement - Contact info. of participants open to outreach from sponsors - Additional value agreed upon by sponsor and host

10 available

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