Fri, Mar 03 - Sat, Mar 04 2023

Lion in Winter Ball 2023,

Hatfield College • Durham University, England, United Kingdom Hatfield College • Durham University, England, United Kingdom

  • About the event

    Hatfield College’s Lion in Winter Ball is the one and only greatly anticipated 12-hour long and biggest (both in size and attendance capacity) ball of one of Durham University’s largest colleges, as is reflected in the time and budget dedicated to curating an incredible experience. A huge number of students will be in attendance, meaning that ticket-buyers will be an ideal audience to reach. The event includes a three-course meal carefully selected by a team of dedicated individuals, multiple forms of entertainment throughout the venue, as well as live music. Our aim is to continue Hatfield College’s tradition of creating memorable events on an unforgettable scale, making it the perfect opportunity for any desired sponsorship. This year we have selected the theme of a ‘Night in Nevada’ reminiscent of the famous Vegas experience, with the aim of creating an evening to remember.

    Why should you sponsor?

    Our team is made up of active and avid members of the Hatfield College community, each with experience in organising events of this kind, and we are prepared to work tirelessly to establish relationships with brands we personally love. Leading up to the event we will be using both physical and media advertisement to achieve the greatest outreach possible. We will be sending out flyers as well as emails to over 1000 JCR member recipients, as well as on the night including a raffle that (based on previous years and events) is expected to garner undisputable attention. 

    Continuing to consider previous years of the Lion in Winter Ball, we expect both dining and entertainment tickets to sell out instantaneously. Therefore, any products or advertisement placed on dining tables or visually depicted around the venue are guaranteed an extensive audience. We offer multiple different types of sponsorship involvement opportunities, as included in the Sponsorship Pack we will shortly be distributing. We would be thrilled to work collaboratively with you and look forward to creating this event together!

    Charlotte Hide

    My name is Charlotte Hide and I am Co-Head of Sponsorship for the Lion in Winter Ball of 2023. Being part of the Executive Team of this event has proved to be a fantastic experience so far, as this is now my second year involved in a row. I am in my third year of studying English Literature at Durham University, through which I have loved discovering the art of written, verbal and visual communication, which is why I have loved being involved in this event. My co-Head Bella Illingworth and I have been working tirelessy to create as many sponsorship opportunities within the Ball as possible in order to involve as many of our favourite brands as possible, and are eager to add to the team!

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from £200 to £600


- Mention of thanks/logo placement in a post-ball Facebook post - Featured on a post on all social media thanking all of our sponsors - Company name and logo on our official sponsors list, including a link go your company website or Facebook page

10 available


- All of the above - Promotional material on the tables of 300 dining guests - Promotional posters specifically around entertainment acts throughout the evening - Flyers in Hatfield College café and Bar with tailored advertisements to your brand fitting with the theme

10 available


- All of the above - Half a page in the sponsorship booklet located on all dining tables - 1 additional post on all social media dedicated only to your brand - Logo on wristbands worn by all attendees - Opportunity for a representative to attend Ball and demo product/service - Logo included in some JCR emails leading up to the ball - Opportunity to organise a pre-ball promotional event dedicated entirely to your product

10 available

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