Sat, Sep 14 - Sun, Sep 15 2024

Festival Internacional Volare,

Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
7 Sponsors Confirmed
Caja Popular Mexicana

  • About the event

    The Volare International Festival by PROAM (Producer of the High Mountains), a show production company made up of two partners and businessmen from Orizaba, Veracruz; with 5 years of experience and work with the sole objective of producing festival shows in the high mountain region.
    Creators of innovative concepts such as:
    #FestivalFIV, #FestivalFICO and several musical concerts with a new concept #Alternando at the local level.

    Why should you sponsor?

    It allows the brand to connect on a much more personal level with potential customers.

    Sponsorship, beyond giving access to an important group of participants, gives you relevant information about their tastes and interests.

    It is a cost-efficient marketing opportunity.

    The event gives a return on investment of 2:1 or even 3:1.

    It allows you to integrate your brand message with the theme and content of the event. In fact, these types of marketing opportunities are those that achieve perfect harmony between message and channel.

    It is a way to add the contact details of potential new clients to your database.

    Increase your brand's exposure in the media at no additional cost.

    Expose your brand to great corporate leaders who may have similar interests to your business.

    Gerardo Sagastume Carrera

    The Volare International Festival by PROAM (Producer of the High Mountains), a show production company made up of two partners and businessmen from Orizaba, Veracruz; with 5 years of experience and work with the sole objective of producing festival shows in the high mountain region.
    Creators of innovative concepts such as:
    #FestivalFIV, #FestivalFICO and several musical concerts with a new concept #Alternando at the local level.

    Visitor occupation:

    Home 9% , Students 12%, Private Initiative 9%, Merchants 14%, Professionals 23%, Workers 5%, Employees 22%, Entrepreneurs 6%.

    IVF FB: 28,000 followers / IVF IG: 5,000 followers Ages: 14+ 45+ years

    14-19 years 6%
    20-25 years 15%
    26-30 years 29%
    31-40 years 31%
    41-45 YEARS 9%
    45-50 years 5%
    50-55 years 5%

    52% men
    48% women

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 5001-10000 attendees expected

    42% Male Attendees

    58% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from US$20000

Sponsor Principal

Food sales / Hot air balloon brand / Space for activation 25 display 2 options of the above Plus 10 general accesses 5 VIP accesses More 12 personalized accreditations Brand presence: Main poster Digital campaign Bus shelters Posters Publibus

5 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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