WCNSN-2023 primary goal is to bring all the experts in Nano-field and proclaim the knowledge, share the innovative ideas among academicians, scholars, industrialists, researchers, developers and students, more over it is great platform to create new contacts with the experts in NanoScience and Nanotechnology field throughout the world. WCNSN-2023 includes plenary presentations, keynote session, oral talks, posters, exhibitions, workshops, symposium and interactive discussions.
Event sponsorship is and continues to be, an effective way of increasing the visibility of a brand
I am Lucy Grey i am working as a conference organzieer at phronesis conferences . i am the organizer of 6th World Congress on Nano Science, Nanotechology and Advanced Materials (WCNSN-2023) at Bangkok, Thailand during October 23-24,2023.
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3 available packages from US$2500 to US$5000
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10 available
10 available