Fri, Feb 16 - Sat, Feb 17 2024

2024 National Book Association Conference,

Washington, District of Columbia, United States Washington, District of Columbia, United States

  • About the event

    The NBAA Conference, taking place on February 15-16, 2024, is a virtual event dedicated to the theme of improving book access. It brings together educators, book enthusiasts, and professionals working to expand book ownership for under-resourced communities. The conference will feature the latest trends, research, and best practices in the field of book access, with a focus on gifting and distributing books.

    Attendees can expect to explore innovative strategies, engage in interactive sessions, and connect with like-minded individuals. The conference covers a diverse range of topics, including Book Bank Operations, Literacy Activities, Marketing, and Advocacy, making it relevant to a wide audience.

    One noteworthy aspect is that this year's conference will be held virtually on Zoom, making it convenient for participants to join from their homes or offices. Registration is open, and NBAA members can attend for free. Additionally, organizations can register and receive extra free tickets for staff and board members.

    The conference also invites session proposals for those interested in contributing to the conversation. Proposals should be submitted by November 15, 2023, for consideration. The selection process will assess proposals based on their relevance, innovation, research-based content, speaker expertise, and interactivity.

    Overall, the NBAA Conference 2024 is a platform for learning, networking, and inspiration, aimed at creating a world where books are accessible to all. It is an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations interested in corporate social responsibility and marketing in the context of book access.

    Why should you sponsor?

    Sponsoring the NBAA Conference offers corporations and small businesses:

    1. Access to a targeted audience interested in book access.
    2. Increased market visibility and brand exposure.
    3. Positioning as thought leaders in book access.
    4. Valuable networking opportunities.
    5. Alignment with philanthropic values and community engagement.
    6. Customer acquisition and lead generation.
    7. Advertising and promotional benefits.
    8. Enhanced philanthropic image.

    In essence, sponsorship allows businesses to connect with a relevant audience, boost their brand, and demonstrate commitment to social responsibility.

    Emily Cicchini

    The National Book Access Association (NBAA) is an organization dedicated to improving book access, literacy, and education for under-resourced communities and individuals. Here's why the NBAA can be trusted:

    1. Mission and Purpose: The NBAA's mission revolves around the noble cause of making books accessible to all, with a focus on improving literacy and educational opportunities. Their purpose aligns with widely recognized social and educational goals.

    2. Expertise: The NBAA organizes conferences that bring together experts, educators, and professionals in the field of book access. Their commitment to promoting knowledge and best practices demonstrates their expertise and credibility.

    3. Community Engagement: The organization actively engages with educators, nonprofits, and individuals passionate about book access. They foster a community committed to this cause, which signifies their dedication to real-world impact.

    4. Transparency: Trustworthy organizations often exhibit transparency in their operations. By providing information about their events, sponsors, and activities, the NBAA maintains transparency, allowing stakeholders to understand their objectives and actions.

    5. Endorsements and Partnerships: The NBAA may collaborate with reputable partners, sponsors, and organizations in the field of education and literacy. Such endorsements and partnerships can indicate credibility and trustworthiness.

    6. Testimonials and Feedback: Listening to feedback and sharing testimonials from past conference attendees and partners can provide further evidence of the NBAA's positive impact and reputation.

    7. Consistency: The NBAA's commitment to holding conferences and promoting book access over time demonstrates consistency in their mission and actions.

    In summary, the NBAA can be trusted due to its clear mission, expertise, community engagement, transparency, endorsements, and consistency in advocating for improved book access. Their focus on a valuable social cause and their dedication to bringing together experts and stakeholders in the field make them a credible organization in the realm of education and literacy.

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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    29% Male Attendees

    71% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000

Gold Package

All Silver Sponsor benefits 2 additional conference registrations (4 total) Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker Logo Placements Conference Webpage (prime) Virtual conference platform/landing page Conference section of the NBAA newsletter NBAA email marketing campaigns Promotional Video A 60 second video of the organization played during conference breaks (video to be provided by the sponsor) Opportunity to include a promotional video in the post-conference email Networking session Naming rights to one Networking Session (e.g., "Networking Session, sponsored by [Your Organization]") Recognition during the session by the host/moderator Listing as Networking Session sponsor in all conference agenda emails & newsletter Branded social media posts regarding the Networking Session A brief description and hyperlink in the session's section of the conference platform

10 available

Silver Package

All Bronze Sponsor benefits Opportunity to contribute to the blog as a guest writer Featured logo placement on conference website 1 additional conference registration (2 total) A 30 second video of the organization played during conference breaks (video to be provided by the sponsor) A dedicated social media post

10 available

Bronze Package

Logo, hyperlink, short description on the NBAA conference website Verbal recognition during the opening and closing remarks of the conference 1 complimentary conference registration Sponsor recognition in post-conference press releases Opportunity to include an item in a digital goodie bag given to attendees Mention in the official conference welcome email to attendees Recognition in the post-conference thank you email to attendees Organization's name listed in a dedicated "Thank You" post on NBAA social media channels All sponsor logos displayed on static slide during the 5- minute session breaks

10 available

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